Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Confusion versus Peace

Last week we had a DirecTV guy come to the house to check to see if we had any signal strength at all for the satellite...or so I thought!  I was under the impression that he was coming and going up on the roof.  Oh how wrong was I!  He needed access to the entire house, because he was here to install!  What!?  I had no idea...so...because I had no idea, my house was...shall we say...un-presentable!  Ugh.  I was so embarrassed that a stranger had to come into my house, walk around it and see the mess we had be living in!  What must have he thought of me!

Okay, for anyone who doesn't know me, I like a clean house, I like organization and I like peace.  However, winter brings a sense of "yuck" to the house.  I have a real hard time getting motivated and staying energized.  So my house suffers and I believe that my relationships even suffer a little bit.  (I'm praying about this!:-)

As I was thinking about how embarrassed I was, it occurred to me that the tv guy could have been anyone!  What if someone came to the house needing to be ministered to with food, a warm bed, love of a friend, or the Love of Jesus.  How awful would they feel to come into a house of confusion.  What if Jesus came to my door?  What would He think of the mess?  My Father has blessed me with a beautiful home and a beautiful family, and I haven't even been thankful enough to keep peace and order in it!  I yearn for a peaceful home.  A place that people want to be, a place that my family can relax and a place that screams YHWH from every corner in every room.  I want people to feel the presence of the Most High the minute they walk in to this home!  I don't want their senses to be clouded with disorganization!

I can accept that my family  LIVES here and, and yes it won't be spotless and magazine worthy, and I am okay with that!  I just want it to be a place of comfort and peacefulness.  I don't want to be embarrassed the next time someone drops in for a visit!

So I sat down and spent a few hours scheduling and reorganizing my days.  I have tried several different methods in the past, with no success...so I am trying another one and praying through it.  Praying that I can stick with it, with JOY!  I am also praying that He guides me in my decisions, that the most important things get done first and that He gives me the strength and the energy I need to accomplish everything that needs done.  My schedule consists of everything that needs attention through the week, with blank spaces to fill in extras.  The days may include, cleaning a specific room, bathing the dog, school days, blogging days, and a whole host of other little things that get overlooked!  If any of you feel led, please pray for me as I try to make this "plan" work for me and my family!

May my home become a peaceful haven for a weary soul...



  1. Amazing! I'm proud of you and I know God is too. Thanks for spurring me on with your words! Love you so, Kathy

  2. Oh Kathy! I'm glad my words are spurring you on! I love you too!

  3. lol! I'm not laughing AT you...but with you b/c girl, every single person I know struggles with this! :D I have recently felt the Lord tugging me in the area of hospitality as well, and I'm praying I get better. I actually invited a neighbor and her daughter over for tea today! (which if you knew me you would know this is HUGE as it is a disruption to my beloved schedule! lol) So...great job!! Great post!! I know it certainly helped me to feel motivated again this AM! :D --S

  4. Faithful Mama,
    Good for you about inviting your neighbors over for tea! What a great idea! Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad I could help you feel motivated again! Give God all the Glory!


Kind words are welcome and appreciated!