Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I've got Spring Cleaning on the brain!  I actually think that it is running through my veins right now!  It's funny that about this time every year I start to feel claustrophobic in my home.  I get antsy, frustrated and my mind is in knots!  I have so many thoughts all jumbled up inside and I can't seem to iron them out unless I start to declutter, organize and clean!  My poor, dear, sweet husband can't seem to figure me out!  He just quietly goes along with my seasonal rants, smiles and prays for the day it's over!  Trust me, I'm certainly not mean to him, I'm just confusing.  I ask him to do something for me and before he's had a chance to finish, I have changed my mind!  I have an extreme case of nesting, with out the baby in my belly part!:-)

I am trying to plan a yard sale...a huge yard sale.  I'm talking an entire property sale!  I look around my home and spot things that can go!  It truly amazes me how we collect "stuff" throughout the year!  And what a sad thought it is, that if we have it, we must have spent hard earned money on it...and now it's going out the door!
True, my husband does work out of the home and we are consistently lost under mass boxes of equipment, but it's not just that!  It's clothes, and kitchen stuff, and books and knick knacks, and way to much home school stuff!  And on top of that, we are remodeling and adding on to the house...which in turn creates construction mess!  Anybody who has been in this position knows how bad construction mess can get!  Now, I'm certainly not complaining...I love that my husband works from home, and I'm so blessed that he is building on to the house for me!  I feel like we just have an OVER abundance!  (Just a note...we don't have nearly as much as the typical American family...in my opinion!  Just more than I'm comfortable with.)

So I am on the path to a clean, decluttered and organized home!  Ahh, I can't wait for the day!  So I have to accept the fact that one room in this house must stay cluttered...where else could I store the yard sale stuff?  It's hard, but I'm willing to work around it!:-)  Yesterday, I went through all of my home school supplies that were scattered through out the house.  This stuff was EVERYWHERE!  Some in the living room, a bit in the kitchen, a ton in the office, and bits and pieces in just about every other room.  I have now boxed up the excess that will be posted on eBay and sold at the yard sale.  I then had my very helpful husband bring down a set of shelves from the play room, set it up in the kitchen and organized the remainder of the school stuff on these shelves.  We typically do school in the kitchen...so this seemed appropriate until our addition is done.  It actually looks really good!  (Love you hunny!)

Today I caught up on some light house work, and now I'm waiting for my grandparents from up North to visit!  I'm sure we will have a nice day of fellowship!

I'm not sure if I will get to anything else today...depends on how long they are here.  Although I sure do have a ton more to Spring Clean.

Closets, cupboards, bins, shelves, bedrooms, toy boxes, front porch, storage, office, front and back yards, and of course keeping up with the construction, schooling, training of my Arrow, daily cleaning, cooking, laundry, book keeping (for the business), visiting with company...and it goes on and on and on.  Still no complaints, just making a list...and asking God for the strength I need to accomplish these tasks, and also thanking Him for His blessings in my life!  Without those blessings, I wouldn't have these tasks to accomplish! 

What do you have planned for Spring Cleaning? 



  1. Ok, now for my comment here....I was wondering if you thought that you were going to have your spring cleaning done before next spring!? Lol!! Just joking my friend! I know how hard you work to keep your home lovely and open to all!

    Ps...I also feel so welcome and warm in your home!

    Love you!

  2. No I doubt it actually!:-)
    I am so glad you feel welcome and warm here!
    Love you!

  3. Hey! Along the lines of spring cleaning, I subscribe to this one blog, and her topic right now is actually this very thing. :) And she's doing it with weekly challenges to keep us on track and motivated! Check it out!

    love you!!


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