Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Friday, March 4, 2011

My thoughts on Modesty

~Just a note...this is a long post...it will take a few minutes to read...I'm sorry in advance! :-) ~

I hear alot of talk about modesty...what modesty is...what's modest and what's not...etc...

I'm sure you all know what I mean!  It's a hot topic in the blog circles I "run" in!  So I thought that I'd add my two cents ~ I hope they are worth something to someone! :-)

Disclaimer ~ these are my PERSONAL convictions and I am not sharing this, trying to convince anyone that my ways are the right ways!  I'm just sharing because, well..I just want to!  So please don't take offense to anything I might say!  Remember...these are my PERSONAL convictions!

I am a skirt wearer!  There...I said it...some of you understand and some of you may not and that's okay.  Just thought I'd get it out there right from the start.  I haven't always worn skirts.  In fact I'm sure there were times in my life that I didn't even own a skirt!  I've been a skirt wearer for  2 years and 4 months!  In November 2008 after moving down south, I was getting settled into my new home and life when God spoke to me!  I tell you, His voice was so clear!  I have no doubt that it was Him and not my own thoughts!  He asked me to do something that most women would rather die than do...He asked me to....dun dun dun (sing songy:-) wear skirts only!  Did I hear Him right?  Did He really just ask ME to change my whole wardrobe and wear only skirts!?  No pants!?  Yep, He did!  And I really surprised myself!  I didn't even argue!  I followed His request!  Slowly I started acquiring long skirts at thrift stores, wearing them and totally enjoying it!  I reveled in the fact that I looked different than most of the world!  I loved that I was treated with more respect out in public (and that really does happen...for any of you skeptics!:-)  I savored being in God's will!  Not everyone was as excited as I was.  Most of my family (not including the Mister) thought that I was off my rocker and definitely did not understand!  I also have been on the receiving end of some not very nice words from other people...but that didn't matter!  God asked...I followed!  Wearing long skirts took me into a new world of complete modesty.  My tastes changed concerning my tops, shoes, hair and makeup!  My skirts got longer,  the collars of my tops got higher and my my sleeves got a little longer, my shoes got lower, my makeup became lighter and my hair got longer!  The first year was a learning and growing experience that I will never forget!  Some things have stuck, some have not...but I'm getting sidetracked!

A year later...I was struggling a little bit with HAVING to wear skirts only.  My heart was in turmoil!  The world looked so enticing!  I figured that I could wear pants and still be modest, but I wanted to follow God!  I truly struggled...and then one day...a year (almost to the day) after being asked to wear skirts only, God spoke to me again!  He told me that I didn't have to wear skirts anymore...that it was my choice.  I WAS FREE...so I thought!  I took my freedom and ran with it!  I bought new pants and wore them!  And pretended I was enjoying it!  The only thing that I truly enjoyed was that my family and some of my friends thought that I had found my marbles! :-)  But I was miserable inside!  I didn't feel freedom...I felt like I was in bondage to the world.  I had figured it out!  I was not enjoying obeying God before because I HAD too!  That did not please Him!  So I think that He released me to ease my suffering and hoped by doing that, that I would choose to wear skirts...on my own...He didn't want to force me any longer...He wanted me to exercise my free will.  And I did!  It took a few short months feeling incredibly masculine sporting my new found "freedom" in jeans, and I was slowly easing back into wearing skirts. 

Oh what a joy it is to wear a skirt every day!  I do own a few pairs of pants, but they primarily reside tucked away in the corner of my closet.  I feel so free and so feminine in a skirt!  Skirts are so much more comfortable than pants...especially around the waist!  And in the summer, they are hands down, so much cooler than pants and even shorts!  Air circulates so much easier!  Trust me...I've done this for 2 summers in deep south heat!  And no matter what some people say...you CAN do anything in a skirt...except maybe ride an upside down roller coaster:-)!  I'll prove it in another post soon ~ doing anything...not riding a coaster!  
So after sharing the gist of my skirt wearing testimony, I'll share what my modesty guidelines are for myself and my someday daughters...God willing!

I will not wear skirts that fall above my knees.  In fact I prefer skirts that are mid-calf or longer.  I will not wear shirts that reveal any cleavage.  If I have a low cut shirt, I double up with a ribbed sleeveless shirt underneath.  I will wear sleeveless shirts around the house in the summer, and a few may pass my modesty test for public wear.  Only in extreme heat circumstances and depending on where we are going.  I steer clear of super clingy tops, but I do wear lightly fitted ones.  My husband likes them and I like pleasing him.  I am not fond of clothes that make me look as if I am wearing a sack!  My reasoning is this...God made a woman's shape very beautiful and very distinct from a man's shape.  Although I don't want to reveal too much and I certainly don't want other men lusting after me, I want everyone to know, just by a glance that I AM a woman.  I don't believe that we should ugly up ourselves in the name of modesty.  I don't believe that is what God has in mind for us at all!  And I want my husband to continue to be attracted to me!  I do wear colors and patterns.  God created beauty all around us and colors make up so much of that!  My hair is styled so that no one could confuse me with a man and my make up is worn to look very natural...to enhance my features (and cover blemishes) not to cover up my God given face.  I don't wear a lot of jewelry  (that's just a personal preference.)  I don't give a fig about the current fashions.  Those are the world's standards and I may be living in the world, but I am not of the world.  I allow no one (other than God and Mister) to dictate what I wear and what is "in."  The goal I always keep in mind is this...I want to look like and be treated like a woman.  I want to look different than the world, yet still be approachable.  I want the unsaved to question what makes me different and have the courage to ask.  I want to look soft, feminine and graceful, but still carry an air of a strong and motivated woman.  I want my modest apparel to be a part of my Kingdom work!  But most importantly by dressing femininely and modestly, I want my heart to show.  I want people to look at me and see Jesus shining through!  I want my apparel to remind me that I am a woman of God and I may be the only Bible someone will read!  My clothes are a reminder that I must always be on my best behavior so as not to smear my character thus possibly turning people away from God and Christianity.  I want people to be able to look past my skirt and see a woman devoted to God!  But the most important reason is to keep my heart in check!  When I look down and see my skirt floating around my ankles, it's much harder to use harsh words with my loved ones, or to complain about anything!
 I like Psalm 19:14 ~ Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.
My skirt is a good physical reminder for my mouth and my heart to stay in line with His Word!

I believe that I am in His will for my life by wearing skirts and other modest apparel and that pleases me and I know that pleases Him! 

I could go on and on and on...I just hope that I didn't babble on too much and that my thoughts are coherent enough for you to follow.  My mind was going a mile a minute!  Anyway, I just thought I'd share what was on my heart and remember...these are MY convictions and I NEVER look down on another woman for the way she may dress.  I also understand that to some, my standards of modesty aren't rigid enough and that's okay...again...these are my standards between God, me and my husband!

I hope you all have a great night and I pray that I didn't bore you!  Stay tuned for proof that you can do anything in a skirt!:-)


  1. LOL!! Oh friend, I think that all of us *skirt wearers* have a similar story so you are CERTAINLY not alone! :D :D Just wait until He calls you to wear a head covering! LLLOOLLL...boy has that been a tough one for me to obey..and yes, my entire family thinks I've lost my marbles as well. Mostly I just get from my mom "so and so cousin asked if you guys are Amish!" lol! Good for you, and good for you for obeying the call of God. I firmly believe that when He speaks we should listen before He has to shout and get our attention in a way that might not be so easy! :) Love and blessings to you this week my friend. Thank you for sharing! I think this is an awesome post! :)--S

  2. Faithful Mama,
    Thank you so much for the encouraging words! I've been through and still sometimes get the "are you Amish or something?" Funny thing though...I used to live in a rather large Amish community and I don't see were people might confuse me with them! Other then the un-revealing nature of my apparel, and my devotion to God! Oh well, I guess it's hard for people to understand if they aren't experiencing it. And I'm okay with that! :-) Head covering...oy! I've been hiding from that one!:-) But He is a really good Seeker!:-) Blessings to you this week also! So glad you stopped by!

  3. I loved reading your testimony! You explained well why you wear what you do. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Gina, thanks for stopping by! It's nice to know that my thoughts make sense to other people. Most often, my brain runs faster than my fingers and I end up with a paragraph that doesn't make much sense!:0) Have a blessed day!

  5. Amen! My girls and I are skirt/dress wearers, too. For us, it is a matter of modesty and femininity.
    God bless,


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