Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Menu Plan Monday and and Update on My Grocery Budget

What a beautiful day that the Lord has made!  It's warm and sunny here today and the birds are filling the air with heavenly melodies!  Today I am going to share my meal ideas for the week and also update you on my grocery challenge.  I am excited for tomorrow because I am going to share with you one of the biggest ways that the Mister and I save money!  But for today~

Sunday ~ Pizza Hut (The Mister just informed me of this!:-)
Monday ~ Open Range Chicken, Baked Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli and Peaches
Tuesday ~ Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Peaches, and Homemade Rolls  (I know, I add this to my plan every week!  This week we really are going to eat it!!!)
Wednesday ~ Baby Back Ribs, French Fries, Tossed Salad and Steamed Corn
Thursday ~ Rotisserie Chicken (in my my new Rotisserie!:-), Roasted Herb Pototoes, Steamed Carrots and Pears
Friday ~ Taco Salad, Refried Beans and Apple Slices
Saturday ~ Ham, Pittsburgh Potaotes, Tossed Salad and Mixed Fruit

Breakfast Ideas
Yogurt with Homemade Granola x2
Scrambled Eggs and Homemade Bagels
Cinnamon Toast and Fresh Fruit
Baked Oatmeal
Hard Boiled Eggs and Peanut Butter Toast
Sausage Gravy and Biscuits

Lunch Ideas
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
Tortilla Bean Soup
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Carrot and Celery Sticks
Ham Sandwiches on Homemade Bagels
Dinner Leftovers x3

Snack Ideas
Grapes and Triscuits
Homemade Crackers and Cheese x2
Soft Pretzels
Apples and Peanut Butter
Celery Sticks with Peanut Butter

Now, my update on groceries...

This week I only shopped at one store.  That;s unusual for me...I'm typically hit between 3 and 5!
My total spending, which included, staples for the pantry, some storage/prep items, food for our meals and even local honey which we desperately needed....
I did go over...but I am okay with this!  I am still under budget so far for the month by $41.96 and because I saved, due to sales, coupons and bonus savings...

After a few weeks of this challenge I am feeling the pinch a little, as we run out of things, which forces me to replace them.  But I am not discouraged and it is making me try harder to find sales, coupons and meal plan more carefully!  This challenge is truly turning into a learning experience!


  1. I'm proud of you for staying with this! It was probably get easier as you go and get some technique and it becomes normal to your routine! See you tomorrow! Love you!


  2. Thanks Kathy! It is getting easier as it becomes part of my routine! Thanks for the comment! You know how I love them! ;-)
    See you in a few hours!


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