Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Menu Plan Monday and Something to Ponder...

Hello! Time flies...this week started and ended in the blink of an eye!  I hope everyone had a very blessed Sunday!  I sure did.  We had a wonderful time of worship at church this morning and then The Mister and I spent time doing things around the house with Arrow.  It was a pleasant day!

I have been pondering something the Pastor said today...If we are not hungry after God, it's not that He's unsavory...it's that we have stuffed ourselves full of other things.  He also said that we may not desire God like we should because we have nibbled off of the world's table too much!  What a statement to think on!  I love God...I truly do, but sometimes I wonder where my passion is for Him!  I want to be passionate all the time! All consuming passion! When the pastor made the comment about nibbling off of the world's table, it was like something popped me right between the eyes!  What is it that I am nibbling at?  I prayed today that God would show me...I mean really pick out EVERY little thing that displeases Him...everything that is worldy and ungodly...To show me my plate full of "junk food" that the world has been offering me!  I want to be refined by Him, inside and out!  I urge all of you to pray today and ask Him if there is anything in your life that displeases Him and to also help you rid yourself of it!

 2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

I don't want to conform to this world...not even by nibbling!  I am here only for a time and then onto Glory I will be!  I just want my time here to be full of raw passion for serving the King!  So this week, my focus is on weeding out the world's gunk that I have nibbled on and learn to take big giant bites of His Holiness!

Now that I have given you something to pray about and ponder, I'm ready to share my meal plan for the week...Yes, there will be some reruns from last week because we didn't eat them...

Sunday ~ Beef Roast and carrots in the crock pot, served over leftover rice and a side of fresh cucumber slices

Monday ~ Taco Salad with refried beans and Guacamole, Peaches

Tuesday ~ Pork Tenderloin and Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes and corn, Apple Slices

Wednesday ~ Turkey Hot Dogs, Maceroni and Cheese, Tossed Salad

Thursday ~ Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli, Spinich Salad and Garlic Bread

Friday ~ Meatloaf, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans, Pears and Homemade Bread

Saturday ~ Venison Wedgies with Pierogies and Homemade French Fries, Mixed Fruit


  1. Yes, Amen to what your Pastor said. It can be such a challenge to maintain a zealous heart for God at all times since we are called to live our lives and take care of our daily responsibilities, too. Weighing the practical with the holy is never easy. But no one ever said that the Christian life is an easy one. May you find a hunger for Him today and always!

  2. Monica,
    Thank you for stopping by and commenting. It means alot to me! May we all seek Him in our daily lives, with a zealous heart!
    Oh and I really enjoy your blog:-)


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