Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to the Mister!  I love you more than you could ever know and I thank my Heavenly Father for the incredible gift He gave me!  You have been so amazing and what a rock I have in you!  On this "Day of Love" and every day...know that the last 7 almost 8 years of marriage have been the most incredible time of my life.  Not to mention the 17 years of friendship we have shared!  I don't remember the very first day that I met you but I do know that God was there in that Jr High School on that special day and He was smiling.  Smiling because He knew that years down the road we would be HAPPILY married with a beautiful son!
We have been through a lot - some good, some not so good...but I wouldn't change one minute of it!  To travel along this road of life with you is more than I deserve, but God is so good!  Thank you Mister for loving me, protecting me, taking care of me and making me feel beautiful every day!  I pray that today and everyday you truly know how deep my love runs for you!  Kisses to you My Love!

Happy Valentine's Day Arrow!  You are truly a blessing from God.  You are my favorite 5 year old in the whole world and I want you to know that on this day, I love you and always will!  I am so excited to train you up to be a great man of God!  He has such a special plan for you and your life!  I am so thankful that I am a part of that plan!  Thank you for being the best little guy!  I love you more than you can imagine!  Happy Heart Day Sweetheart!  Kisses to you My other Love!

Aren't they so handsome!?

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