Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Friday, February 4, 2011

About Us...

Hi!  My name is Jamie and my goal with this blog is share a little about our life...including the ups and downs.  This blog will in no way be beautiful and flowery at all times!  We are a real family living in the real world and we are not perfect.  We are, however, trying to live a God honoring life.  I want this blog to be God honoring and encouraging to women who are in the same place in life that I am!

I am a stay at home wife and momma.  My husband, we'll call him, Mister, is an incredibly loving man!  He loves God and he loves his family.  He's a great provider and I am so thankful that I am able to stay home, because of his work ethic!  He's also incredibly handsome ;-)! 

My son is a cute little guy who is tall and skinny and all knees!  He just turned 5 a few months ago and it amazes me how quickly he is growing!  We are casually homeschooling in everyday moments.  Next year will be a different story.  For the sake of this blog and our privacy, we'll call him Arrow!  I chose that name because we are training him, sharpening so to say, to be a great and powerful arrow for the Kingdom of God!

I have so many interests and I am an expert in nothing!  Sewing, cooking, cleaning, canning, organizing, being frugal, gardening, decorating, teaching, mothering, blogging, natural body care, whole foods, budgeting...oh the list goes on and on.  These are some things that I have a heart for.  You will probably see them repeatedly mentioned throughout this blog, so bear with me as I am in a state of learning...

But before everything I am a Daughter of the King!  I am a Christian woman who doesn't really identify with any particular denomination.  I identify with the love of Christ and His sacrifice that He made on our behalf.  I believe that EVERYONE is called to be a child of God, but not everyone will follow Him.  I love God, I am saved by the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, and some day I will be living in Glory with the Most High!  God has a special plan for me, as He does for everyone, and I pray that I am in His will and if I'm not, I pray that He gentle steers me where He wants me.

Please enjoy your time here, laugh with me, cry with me, and please pray for me.  If you have any questions, comments or kind words please feel free to share!  You can reach me through my comments section or directly through my email - simplyhishome@gmail.com


Kind words are welcome and appreciated!