Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Monday, February 21, 2011

Menu Plan Monday with a Glimpse into my morning...

Hello Everyone!  What a beautiful morning it is here somewhere in the deep South ;-)  My windows and doors are thrown wide open and beautiful music is pouring from my CD Player!  Hymns....ahhh....such peace!  All while hearing a little 5 year old yelling at the dog....excuse me for a moment....

Okay I'm back...Arrow found a broken toy on his floor...and of course he doesn't remember breaking it, and he certainly couldn't have stepped on it, since it was on the floor and not put away...so naturally the dog must have done it!  Yeah, that's it...Sadie picked it up with her paws, broke the door off of the barn and hid it under other toys on the floor that happened to be abandoned right beside the bed that Arrow jumped out of this morning in his exuberance to start a new day!

Apparently I have an incredibly sly, smart little puppy! :-)


I have a very creative young man who is still learning about taking responsibility for his toys, room, actions, thoughts, words, etc...

But Hymns...yes...such peace!  Even though I have a sink full of dirty dishes, laundry that is threatening to possibly take over the world...(okay, not quite that much, but enough!), and a student waiting to show me magic tricks and do math class...I have Peace!  Physical, emotional, and spiritual peace that can only come from the Father!  The words of an old hymn are beautiful and meaningful and so filled with God!  If you don't normally listen to hymns, I suggest picking up a copy of "The Hymns Project" by Chris Rice.  You won't be disappointed!

Okay, onto my menu plan...I am not the greatest at coming up with creative meals on a whim, so it is essential that I write them down and assign a day to each meal.  Otherwise we would have frozen meat and take out pizza on the table!  That certainly isn't frugal or being a good steward of the nutritious food God has provided us!  (That doesn't mean that we don't enjoy take out ever once in a while...it just means that we would be eating it every night if I didn't meal plan!)  So here are my ideas for the week...I try to stay away from boxed helpers, meals, etc., so most of these dinners are homemade...and no that doesn't make me super mom, it's just something that my husband and I try to stay away from.  I will provide any of these recipes to you, if you are interested....just drop me a note...

Monday ~ Cheese and Broccoli Soup, Turkey Sandwiches on Sourdough Bread and a small Tossed Salad

Tuesday ~ Chicken Pot Pie and Canned Peaches

Wednesday ~ Frijoles Negros with Rice, Salsa and leftover Peaches

Thursday ~ Barbecued Venison topped Baked Potatoes with steamed carrots and a small Tossed Salad

Friday ~ Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Fruit Salad and Rolls

Saturday ~ Shepherd's Pie (leftover venison and mashed potatoes), Peas and Canned Pears

Sunday ~ Chicken Noodle Soup (leftover chicken & stock) with Homemade Bread and Carrot and Celery sticks

Well, I must work on my mountain of laundry and soak in the Glorious Presence of the Most High...
Have a very blessed day and remember to Pray without Ceasing!
Love to you all...


  1. Great blog! I'm really enjoying this. Thanks!

  2. Hey! Can I please get the broccoli and cheese soup recipe! I want to put it on my next grocery list! Talk to you soon!


  3. No! :-) It actually wasn't very good. I would search for a recipe online...

    Missin' You!:-)


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