Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday and Heart Full of Questions...

Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday!  GO STEELERS!  We are from Pennsylvania originally, so of course we have Black and Gold blood running through our veins....and always will have!  Nobody will ever be able to change that!  GO STEELERS!  We will be cheering for the Steel Nation all day and we are proud of it!  Woo!

So the fact that we are all abuzz about the game, cleaning the house, preparing special food and gearing up for the sporting event of the year...it got me thinking...

Do I ever get that excited about God, or worshiping Him, or even being in His presence?  If I took as much care of my relationship with Him as I do with getting ready for a game, where would I be?

What if I was all abuzz about the moment I will meet Him face to face?  What if I took the time to really clean up my life for Him and because of Him?  What if I was preparing my heart for complete worship of Him?  What if I consistently was gearing up for eternity in Heaven?  What would my life look like?

What if I said that I had Jesus running through my veins...and always will have?  That nobody will even be able to change that!?  Because, guess what...I do and I am so proud of that!  Even though I am not perfect, and I have so much to work on with His help, I truly love my God and I will be cheering on His return!

So...Go Steelers...make us proud...but more importantly...

Thank you God, for my life and Your love.  Please help me to love You more fully!  You alone deserve my everything!  In Jesus Name...AMEN

1 comment:

  1. amazing post jamie! I feel inspired and encouraged! love you!


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