Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Monday, April 18, 2011

Asking for Help

I'm having some trouble girls!  I don't know what has happened to me and I can't seem to shake it!
I have no ambition to do anything.  I feel so tired and lazy and uninspired!  I haven't wanted to blog, meal plan, grocery shop, cook, clean, organize, play, pray, study....and the list goes on and on and on.  I get up in the morning and think okay, today is the day.  I'm gonna get this house in order and feed my family a nutritious meal, play with Arrow, love on my husband and get organized and re-energized.  Then suddenly, it's evening again and I literally have done nothing.  And the heavy guilt sets in!  I'm in a vicious cycle and I can't break free.  I have prayed about it, but I think that I am too lazy to listen for His voice!

I have so much that needs done and the only thing that I want to do is turn away from it all and pretend it's not waiting for me.  Ever since we came down with that cold bug, I have been a sack of lazy bones!

What can I do?  Does anyone have any encouragement for a momma that feels down and out?  I need some fresh inspiration to mix things up a bit. 

Please, any ideas would be appreciated!  I want to lay down at night and know that I will have a blessed sleep that God promises to those of us who earn it!

Blessings to you all...


  1. Well, I might not have any advice, but I can tell you I'm sure all of your readers (including me, many times and recently) have been in your shoes. Life is exhausting, to say the least. I find that if I start something in the morning and put off all my "computer work" until later in the day, I'm waaaaay more likely to get things accomplished. Once I sit down in front of the screen, it's a lost cause! I'll be praying for you! Love you. :)

  2. Hi Girl! I know it! If I get on the computer in the AM, I might as well count the day a lost cause! I don't get on during the day much...but I am still accomplishing nothing! Thanks for the prayers and sorry about the no phone date tonight...we were out for a bit! Tomorrow? Love you!

  3. You just need me to come spend the day talking, listening, and kicking your houses booty! It'll get better sister! Love you

  4. Well...since your own Momma is coming for a visit soon, I just know you want to show me the beautiful home you have made for your family. So, GET BUSY!!! HeHe! I love you!



Kind words are welcome and appreciated!